VP Cleaning Services is a top-quality, professional home and office cleaning service. We
specialize in recurring home and office services, deep cleaning, post-construction/renovation
cleaning, move-in and end-of-tenancy cleaning, hotel and Airbnb housekeeping, organizing and
decluttering, as well as party help. In other words, our priority is helping our customers achieve
the happiest and cleanest state of their homes and offices.
It was a natural choice for me. In a nutshell, I have always believed that a clean and organize
space invites positivity in a person’s life. My own home is always organized and clean. When I
came to Canada, my first job was also a maid. It helped me quickly become familiar with the
GTA, improve my English and begin building connections and friendships with clients I still have
and cherish today. I had the choice to study. But my passion laid in growing and nurturing all
these connections I have built. I wanted to continue my service for them on a much higher and
professional level. So, this is how VP Cleaning Services came about.
I chose this profession because my philosophy for a fulfilling and happy life is tied to the belief in
making our environment clean, positive and motivating towards growth. The other reason I
already mentioned. As a new immigrant many years ago, I was also looking for a job that could
help me integrate into my new society. Looking back now, it was the best decision of my life!
What motivates me is my devotion to my clients. I genuinely wish to provide them with the most
professional and caring service. I select my team that shares my vision. This way, we never lose
sight of our mission to make sure our work helps our clients to live more comfortable, happier
and more...motivating lives themselves.
What surprises me every day is how personal this business is. Although it is our job to support,
care and attend to our clients’ needs and expectations about their homes, so many of them treat
us the same. New and existing clients are very understanding and supportive of us. They also
put so much effort into helping us provide them with the best service possible. They invite us
into their lives, accept us and devote their time to building a lasting relationship with us that is
based on trust, continuous communication and support. One usually expects that a
client-business relationship only extends to the client getting the service. But my experience is
that it goes beyond that. My clients make this business aspect of my job more human and more
meaningful every day.
When I first started, it was quite exciting. It is still exciting today. But then, the excitement was
the one you feel when you begin something new that you are passionate about, but you know
you don’t know everything. At the same time, you know you will learn as you go forward. I
already had experience as a maid and in building trusting relationships with my clients. But
managing a whole business – the financial and bookkeeping aspect of it, managing and training
staff, connecting and working with suppliers and other companies in the field, attending
meetings after meetings, etc. – that I did not know. But I learned each of these aspects
naturally as I kept going forward. The whole process was fun and enlightening on many levels in
my life beyond my career.
It is 24/7 work. I am always on the job from early mornings to late evenings. Even when I have
dinner with my family, if the phone rings or an e-mail comes from a client or one of my staff
members in need, I respond. I try to give myself “working hours.” But I never stick to them
because I would feel horrible if I could not attend to something that was urgent.
I think they would say that what they love most are our customer service and genuine devotion
to the work we do for them. We go beyond ourselves to customize their service to their and their
home’s needs. We are always available to communicate with them about anything that they
need addressing. Our clients' satisfaction is our top priority, and they have told us many times
how much this makes us stand out.
Ha-ha. We have many odd requests, which make the job amusing. What comes to mind is that
inquiring clients have asked us to clean their cars, vans, or even loading-trucks even though we
clearly state that we do only residential and office cleaning. We do try to help them find the
service they need by looking for reputable companies with them. But there is so much we
specialize in. We do invest in expanding our services. So stay tuned.
I always strive to build a trusting and open relationship with every one of my staff members.
They have told me that they love the comfort and authenticity of the environment I offer them. I
encourage respect, support and communication between one another. We often celebrate
special occasions together, and I make sure they enjoy themselves and build positive memories
together. I am always available to help them, support them or advise them in anything at work ortheir personal lives. I realize that life is life, and it happens most unpredictably. Being close to
each of my staff members helps me and them find a balance between our personal lives and
our jobs.
My goals over the next year are to continue growing my business and introducing new
technologies and services that will make my job and our clients’ lives easier. This is the only way
to stay true to my promise to my clients and me when I started this journey. So, I have many
new things planned that my staff and I are already working towards making available to our
My greatest challenge is time. I often feel I don’t have enough time or not devoting enough time
to my business, although everyone disagrees. I am the type of person who continually thinks of
how to better my business but in the most honest and considerate way possible. When
something doesn’t work out, I sometimes wish I could have had a bit more time that day to try
something else. But My clients have always been supportive and given me the time to improvemy business for them. For that, I am most grateful because they make this challenge a
motivator rather than a stress factor.
We are always available. One of our slogans are "Always at your fingertips" and we stand
behind it. We welcome connections over e-mail at office@vpcleaningservices.com, our
business phone number at 905-780-9268, or our business cell at 416-838-6214. We are always
delighted to hear from you.